Service Committee

Meets on the First Tuesday of the month after Parks Board
in Village Council Chambers
4650 High Street, Mantua, OH 44255

"Service Committee... will consider the topics of storm sewers, streets and maintenance of Village Properties, as well as the evaluation as per Section 2.5 of the employee handbook. The Service Committee shall consist of three (3) members of Council appointed by the President Pro-Tempore unless otherwise determined by vote of Council, and approved by Council." Mantua Cod. Ord. section 121.03 Article XII (1)(a)

Committee Members
Steve Thorn
Denise DiLellio
Patrick Frost
Alternate: Mary Hura

Service Committee Meeting Minutes

Service Department News

Fast and Flurrious, Scoopy Do or Sherlock Snowmes, call 'em what you like, but these plows and their intrepid drivers are nothing to laugh at. The village recently updated their fleet to include a new tracter / loader and plow, as well as a salt box spreader and brine equipment, in order to make your roads safe this winter.

New Hitachi loader, to be used for snow removal, salt loading, and myriad other things come summer

The new plow, to replace the one damaged by East High street water line work. Pictured are Mayor Tammy Meyer, Road Supervisor Cody and Service Employee Dylan.

The winter fleet, outfitted with snow moving equipment.