Historic Landmarks Commission
The Village of Mantua Historic Landmarks Commission will hold its 2024 meetings as follows: January 13, February 10, April 13, June 8, August 10, October 12, and December 14. All meetings are Saturdays at 10:00 am in Council Chambers, 4650 High Street, Mantua, OH. The public is welcome to attend.
The Village Council, being mindful of the proud history of this community, hereby declares as a matter of public policy that the preservation, protection, perpetuation and use of areas, places, buildings, structures, works of art and other objects having a special historical, community, or aesthetic interest or value is a public necessity and is required in the interest of health, prosperity, safety, and welfare of the people. The purposes of this chapter are:
- To maintain and enhance the distinctive character of the historic resources of Mantua by establishment of procedures whereby certain areas, places, buildings, structures and works or art which reflect elements of the Village's cultural social, economic, political, or architectural history shall be allowed that measure of protection afforded by a thorough study of alternatives to incompatible alterations or demolition before such acts are performed.
- To contribute to the economic, recreational, cultural and educational development of the Village by:
- Fostering civic pride in the beauty and notable accomplishments of the past;
- Promoting the use and preservation of historic sites and structures for the education and general welfare of the people of the Village;
- Enhancing the visual and aesthetic character, diversity and interest of the Village;
- Facilitating the rehabilitation and revitalization of certain older neighborhoods and areas;
- Protecting and enhancing attractions to residents, tourists and visitors;
- Stabilizing and improving property values; and
- Stimulating business and attracting development.
Commission Members
Kevin Maloney, Chair, Council Member, Term expires 12/31/27
Ian Jones, Vice Chair, Commission Member, Term expires 12/31/26
Barbara Stiebeling, Interim Secretary, Commission Member, Term expires 12/31/27
Denise Dilellio, Commission Member, Term expires 12/31/25
Dawn King, Commission Member, Term expires 12/31/26
Click here to download the Mantua Village Historic Business District Walking Tour brochure
Click here to download the Mantua Village Historic Home Walking Tour brochure
Meeting Minutes
Read the Landmark Commission's 2017 Annual Report here.
Read the Landmark Commission's 2016 Annual Report here.