Do Not Knock Registry

Click here for the current "Do Not Knock Registry".

By registering on this page, the registrant acknowledges that no peddlers and/or solicitors shall knock, ring the doorbell or otherwise call at the address provided. Our Do Not Knock registry will not keep telemarketers from calling your phone number. For that you must sign up for the national Do Not Call registry.

Registering your address on the Do Not Knock Registry does not preclude non-profits, such as the Girls Scouts, Boy Scouts, Band Boosters and/or political or opinion-seeking canvassers from knocking on your door. If you would like to preclude these groups, and similar groups, from knocking on your door you may elect to post a notice at your front door which states: "No Solicitors, Peddlers or Canvassers Allowed", or words of similar import, which clearly prohibit peddlers, solicitors and canvassers on the premises.

A residence, house, apartment, or other dwelling shall remain on the Do-Not-Knock Registry (Village of Mantua Codified Ordinances Section 721.08) until the expiration of five calendar years, expiring on December 31 of the fifth calendar year from the date of the form submitted. Once you have signed up you won't need to re-register for another 5 years. Only one name per household is needed on the application.

It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to re-register when the 5 years has expired.

Paper forms are also available at Village Hall and the Mantua Village Police Department.

Full Name: *

Address: *

City: *

Zip Code: *

Email: *

Add Residence: *
Add my residence to the "Do Not Knock" registry

Certification: *
By checking here, I certify that I am the lawful possessor and occupant of the above address and am authorized to determine whether this residence shall be included in the Village of Mantua "Do Not Knock" Registry.
