The Village of Mantua would like to thank ServeOhio for awarding us a
MLK Day 2025
Grant to improve and update our Park Lodge. This grant will enable us to purchase the
necessary supplies to make our Park Lodge more inviting. We will have volunteers paint
the inside of the lodge and replace ceiling tiles. The Village of Mantua is thankful for this
opportunity and we look forward to updating our Park Lodge for the community to
enjoy. This volunteering event will be held On Wednesday, January 15th from 11:00
a.m. to 3 p.m. We would like to thank ServeOhio for this grant funding and opportunity.
#ServeOhio #MLK25 @ServeOhio

Crestwood Community Center is a group of active adults who live in the Crestwood Community. They meet every Wednesday from 11-3:00 at Mantua Lodge in Buchert Park. Come join the fun! See their Facebook for more info, or view the February calendar here.

Limited Access to Cemetery
Due to snow, the south entrance (via Reagan/Line) into the Cemetery has been closed off. Please use the north entrance (off West Prospect) until the weather clears!
Public Service Announcement

Thanks to the Eagle Scout who built these as a project!
New Hires!

Mantua Snowplowing Fleet Update

Check out the Service page for more photos!
Press Release

Police Department Openings
The Village of Mantua Police Department is seeking full-time and part-time officers and dispatchers effective immediately.
Please submit applications, available by clicking here, to mantuapd@sbcglobal.net, by mail to PO Box 775, Mantua, OH 44255, or by dropping off at the Mantua Village Police Department, 4650 High Street, Mantua. Positions are open until filled.
Come join our team!
The New Bookmobile Comes to Mantua

New Event Calendar!
Check out our new event calendar! We will be updating this each month to show village meetings and other events. Click the image or Upcoming Events in the left menu for the full version!
PUBLIC NOTIFICATION about Disposal of Personal Property
Notice is hereby given that the Village of Mantua Police Department has various items of personal property in its possession that have been lost, abandoned, stolen, seized pursuant to a search warrant, or otherwise lawfully seized and is subject to disposal in accordance with ORC 2981.12. Such property includes but is not limited to firearms, tools, and other miscellaneous personal items. Pursuant to ORC 2981.11(C) members of the public who may have an interest in the property in possession of the Village of Mantua Police Department may appear at the village police department located at 4650 High Street, Mantua, OH 44255 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday-Friday through March 29, 2024, to view and establish their legal right to possession of the personal property. Items not claimed during this viewing period will be disposed of per the appropriate court order.
Regular Meeting Schedules for 2024
Effective January 1, 2024, Mantua Village Council and Committee meetings will be held as follows. All meetings will be held in Council Chambers, 4650 High Street, Mantua, unless otherwise specified.
Shade Tree Commission, Cemetery Committee, Parks Board, Service Committee: First Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:00 pm.
Safety Committee: Second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm.
Planning Commission: Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm.
Finance Committee: Wednesday before the monthly Village Council meeting at 6:00 pm.
Village Council: Third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm.
Landmarks Commission: Second Saturday of the following months at 10:00 am: January, February, April, June, August, October, December.
Records Commission, Treasury Investment Board: Wednesdays beginning at 10:00am in March, June, September and November.
D.M.R.C. Click here for calendar. D.M.R.C. meets at Jake's
Meeting Changes for the week of Labor Day
The Processes Committee meeting scheduled for September 1st has been moved to September 9th at 6:30pm. The Records Commission meeting scheduled for September 4th has been cancelled. The next meeting will be November 6 at 10am. Both meetings will be held in Council Chambers, 4650 West High Street, Mantua.
Invasive Species: Jekyll and Hyde in Our Own Backyards!
Plant species have complex personalities, and it's important to know the good, the bad, and the ugly to make decisions about planting and eradicating.
Invasive plants wreak havoc on our natural environment, deteriorate the health of our landscape, and burden the economy of a rural, agricultural community like ours. These plants can be beautiful, useful, or profitable; some of these invasive species used to be recommended, even. But they escape our backyards, they harm local treescapes, and they damage native areas, so they have since been outlawed and removed from zoning codes.
The Shade Tree Committee needs your help to combat these Mr. Hyde-like invaders.
Here's the problem, why you should care, and how you can help: Click here to read more.
Portage County Recycling Programs
Information on the Center for Hard to Recycle Materials and Items accepted for Drop-Off Recycling.
Past Live-streamed Meetings:
Mantua's YouTube Live Stream Page.
Portage County Water Resources Emergency Alerts
Click here to sign up for Portage County Water Resources Emergency Alerts
Don't forget to complete the process by confirming your phone number. Thank you!
Welcome to the Mantua Village web site! We hope the site will provide easy reference to Village Officials, facilities, meeting dates and telephone numbers. We sincerely hope that you will find this information helpful in becoming more aware of the services and opportunities available in our community. As always, feel free to e-mail or .
A Little History
Mantua Village (pronounced, "MAN-a-way") is located along the Cuyahoga River (known by native inhabitants as the "Crooked River") in Portage County. From its humble beginnings in the early 1800s, with its railroad station, 13 saloons, house of "ill repute" and a shipping point for area farmers, Mantua Village was formed and quickly began to grow. A Post Office was established in 1860 and the Village was incorporated in 1898. Our town, named after a famous city in Northern Italy, has continued to grow and mature. It is a beautiful, peaceful village, filled with historic buildings and friendly people who care.
Mantua is located on Ohio State Route 44, ten miles north of Ravenna (the Portage County Seat), twenty miles northeast of Akron, and twenty-seven miles southeast of Cleveland. Today, with access to the Ohio Turnpike just two miles to the south and access to US Route 422 seven miles to the north, we believe that this area will soon be the fastest-growing and most sought-after region in Northeast Ohio. Clean air, beautiful countryside, and excellent schools, backed up by sound zoning and facilitated planned growth, make Mantua Village a most desireable place to live and work.
We invite you to investigate the potentials of this exciting corridor that runs between Cleveland and Youngstown, and be assured that you, your family and your business will not only be welcome, but helped in every way possible. Come look us over and join with us in the wonderful years to come.